
Publishing tip

When copying content in, copy from notepad, and format it in the webpage. That way the website style in maintained.
Client Login

To login simply enter your details on the right.

Only eZiWeb clients may access the registered area. If you are an eZiWeb client, and don't have access, please forward us an email using the contact us form. Include your details.


Privacy Notice

Client information stored on this site is secure, and will only be used as contact, and login information for eZiWeb administration. You can review the information stored, by logging in and clicking the 'Your details' button. All passwords are encrypted and will never be visible to anyone including eZiweb staff. If you have any queries please use the support tab to submit a mail to the administrators.

The email you provide will be used from time to time by administrators at eZiWeb to provide you with information, site maintenance, or important security information. If you do not wish to receive such emails, please change your email to something fictitious using the USER MENU, YOUR DETAILS, option when logged in.


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